

Real Estate

Real Estate Trends In 2023: What Will Go And What Will Come

As we kick off 2023, it's a good time to take a closer look at what's brewing in the real estate world. The real estate market, much like the weather, is subject to change, influenced by a mix of economic factors, technological advances, and the way we choose to live. Whether you're planning to buy or sell, invest, or just curious about the real estate scene, here's a more down-to-earth take on the trends you can expect in the coming year.

5 tips on how to create an office atmosphere at home

Real Estate

5 tips on how to create an office atmosphere at home

Many people enjoy working from the comfort of their homes, especially if they used to change an office for it. It is possible to forget about a commute, early wake-ups, hunger, smart clothes and make the working process relaxing and comfortable. However, you will spot that working from your bed or armchair does not bring about those great results like a strict office atmosphere. In some time, almost every office employee comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to create an office design at home not to compensate on work efficiency. This solution has especially become incredibly popular with people recently when millions of people had to ‘stay home’ because of the pandemic but still have to complete the same amount of work. It goes without saying that a dining table or a bar top can serve as surfaces for a computer and papers, but they can’t replace a comfortable office place fully. Therefore, it is very important to find space for your home office and put effort to create a comfortable working place following these design tips.

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Short-term and long-term forecasts for real estate business in the pandemic

Virtual Staging

Short-term and long-term forecasts for real estate business in the pandemic

Every industry was influenced by a coronavirus, but in comparison with the beginning of the pandemic, now we can observe almost complete shutdown of many businesses and real estate, in particular. It was not difficult to predict that both sales and the number of new listings would face a significant drop in the number. However, if the beginning of the pandemic has discouraged almost 80% of buyers and they decided to take a pause, in two weeks, this number has reached 100% already. Consequently, real estate agents can experience the negative effects of the pandemic in all sectors of the industry. The most significant drop in sales is in the entertainment and vacation areas: the demand for restaurants, hotels, bars, stores has almost disappeared. The second worst impact is on the luxury property and second-hand homes. Many people who planned to buy homes are puzzled if they should continue doing that or it is better to wait for the decline in the number of infected people. When will the market revive and will it happen this year? What should real estate agents get prepared for? There are many questions left unanswered, but the point is the following: it is necessary to think long-term and change the customary approach to work at the moment to survive in the current crisis.

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5 Tips On How To Choose An Investment Property

Virtual Staging

5 Tips On How To Choose An Investment Property

It is not a rarity that property has always been considered a good investment. Though the modern world offers a variety of opportunities to invest and get profit from, a property remains the most popular investment for many people. If anyone has enough cash to buy a home or flat, they will do that believing that homes never lose in cost and can bring about profit if you give them for rent or renovate in some way. Experts agree with this fact, but they also warn that the key to success depends mainly on the choice of home for investment. Not every estate will be a reasonable solution to pay money for, so treat this decision with great responsibility and follow these tips from professionals.

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25 Shocking facts every real estate agent should know

Real Estate

25 Shocking facts every real estate agent should know

Statistics is a science which plays a very significant role in many industries and real estate business in particular. Realtors should always keep up with the trends and stay up to date to confirm their professionalism and awareness of the industry in the eyes of clients. Real estate business is highly competitive so it is very important to be informed about the latest statistics and use this information working with clients and getting more leads. We have prepared real estate agents 25 examples of overwhelming statistics connected with real estate business.

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The top real estate broker joined Guinness Book records men

Virtual Staging

The top real estate broker joined Guinness Book records men

Are you a real estate agent or know someone in this profession? It is not a secret that some agents compete in the number of homes sold per week, month or year. Each of them has his or her own maximum and put much effort to beat this record. In fact, it is a kind of stimulus to work harder and increase your earnings.

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10 Tips For a Real Estate Agent To Become a MILLIONARE!

Real Estate

10 Tips For a Real Estate Agent To Become a MILLIONARE!

The modern era provides many chances for people to become self-made millionaires in different professions. Real estate industry is not an exception. Agents get awesome commissions for their work so there are many possibilities that they can feel confident getting elderly and never hope only on pension. At the same time, it often happens that realtors who have been wealthy during their career turn out to have no savings behind their back and have to get used to living poorly. If you are a real estate agent who wants to have a careless life in the elderly age, consider these simple tips while you are young.

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How to plan a vacation for real estate agent

Real Estate

How to plan a vacation for real estate agent

It is not a rarity that real estate agents have no time for their rest. Any break in the activity may result in a smaller number of leads and a possibility to miss a good deal. That is why they prefer to work all year round and forget about holidays and vacations. If real estate agents who work in the companies have scheduled vacations, independent contractors and entrepreneurs should decide that themselves. Considering a vacation a real luxury they can devote time to it only when there is enough money but such a moment almost never comes. They usually postpone it for better times and they come very rarely. If you are one of those who cannot find time for a vacation but realize the importance of good rest, learn these 3 strategies and never neglect this time.

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7 Things which differ top realtors from others

Real Estate

7 Things which differ top realtors from others

Real estate business is a tough competition where only 5% of real estate agents manage to get to the top. In fact, it is a goal of every newbie realtor to become once a top real estate agent and they’ll often start off by referring to colleagues as well as resources such as this InboundREM Real Estate Prospecting tutorial and similar guides. At the same time, top realtors behave and act in a different way from their colleagues. Having reached some success in this industry they change their strategies and start acting in a different way. What exactly changes? Look through 7 things top real estate agent do that others don’t.

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6 Tips for realtor how to survive a holiday season

Real Estate

6 Tips for realtor how to survive a holiday season

Real estate business has its peaks and lull. The holiday season is usually a difficult period for real estate agents since the number of deals, as well as buyers and sellers, decreases greatly. The reason for that is people’s desire to take a vacation, celebrate and just rest. It is also the time when realtors have time to take a break and gather all their strengths for the upcoming season.

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Recommended articles

When it comes to 3D modeling, virtual staging, and architectural rendering, we know that you want the details of how it works and how it can benefit you and your business. These recommended articles will give you the inside track on everything we do, and we’re sure you’ll find them to be as entertaining as they are informative.


Virtual Staging

Common errors in outdoor space staging

Outdoor space staging is an integral aspect of presenting a property in its entirety, showcasing its potential for relaxation, entertainment, and leisure. However, achieving a harmonious and visually appealing outdoor space is not without its challenges. In the quest to create an inviting alfresco atmosphere, it's essential to recognize and rectify common mistakes that can detract from the overall appeal. This paper delves into five critical errors that often plague outdoor space staging, offering insights into how to avoid them and create outdoor areas that captivate potential buyers and leave a lasting impression.

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Virtual Staging

Home staging company or how to build a successful staging business

Today you will not surprise anyone with the viewpoint that empty homes must be staged to be sold faster and for bigger money. Unfortunately, only one-tenth of all the world’s population can envision how an empty space will look like if you fill it with furniture and decor. Consequently, all the rest would like to move into a home where everything is prepared for a living and you should not spend extra money or order designer services. As a result, this direction has become very popular among home sellers and more people wishing to sell their property for bigger money look for professional staging services. It resulted in the appearance of staging business – agencies, firms, and companies that offer professional designer services to transform a faceless and vacant property into a comfortable, functional and appealing place of living.

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Virtual Staging

5 Tips On How To Choose An Investment Property

It is not a rarity that property has always been considered a good investment. Though the modern world offers a variety of opportunities to invest and get profit from, a property remains the most popular investment for many people. If anyone has enough cash to buy a home or flat, they will do that believing that homes never lose in cost and can bring about profit if you give them for rent or renovate in some way. Experts agree with this fact, but they also warn that the key to success depends mainly on the choice of home for investment. Not every estate will be a reasonable solution to pay money for, so treat this decision with great responsibility and follow these tips from professionals.

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Virtual Staging

10 Traits of character for a successful realtor

Real estate job is incredibly popular nowadays since this career can be very rewarding if you manage to achieve success in it. At the same time, many newbie realtors are not able to cope with some challenges they face and leave this profession forever. It does not mean whether you are a broker, contractor, property manager, inspector or any other professional working in real estate, you must have a certain range of character traits which will help you to reach heights in this industry. Otherwise, you will have to be a quitter and look for another sphere to grow.

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Real Estate

How 3D visualization helps in property pre-sales: 5 ways

Do you deal with real estate and look for ways to increase sales? Opt for 3D visualization technology and the use cases described in this article and you will be surprised with the result.

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3D Rendering

Residential Architecture: What is it?

There are many types of architecture but residential one takes one of the leading positions among them. Find out what residential architecture is and what differs it from others.

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Virtual Staging

Perspectives Of 3D Real Estate Tours

Virtual 3D tours have struck the real estate market quite recently. They have been used for about 3 years only and firstly were created only for luxury property to impress the potential and wealthy buyers. I can imagine Eddie Yan homes for sale will probably take advantage of this fantastic technology at some point. It is not a secret that rich people can afford going to different corners of the world to see the property they wish to buy, but the appearance of 3D virtual tours has simplified this procedure as you can see a home on sale without leaving your home, real estate agency office or country. Moreover, the first 3D tours required new technological devices and software and were rather expensive so ordinary sellers could not afford it. However, when real estate agents have appreciated the benefits 3D tours bring, a demand for this service was growing and more and more companies began to offer similar services. That allowed to make the price lower and spread the service to the property with the average cost. It would be interesting to see a real estate tour for different places. Nowadays, there are many arguments on the point if 3D tours can be called the future of the real estate market as there are supporting evidence of both its pros and cons, but it seems that realtors are not ready to refuse from showing homes on distance due to a number of unsurpassed benefits tours provide.

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Virtual Staging

Urban vs Landscape Architecture and Their Peculiarities

Architecture has many directions but urban and landscape design are considered ones of the most popular ones. Do you want to learn more about these directions? Keep on reading and you will learn more about them.

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Virtual Staging

What should real estate agents keep in mind in 2023: 8 key points

Are you a real estate agent who wants to thrive in 2023? Learn 8 basic pieces of advice from experts to achieve success in the upcoming year.

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3D Rendering

Top 27 Best 3D Rendering Tools 2021

3D rendering is used in a variety of industries from architecture, marketing, and engineering to movie, game, and animation production. The main benefit of renders is access to exact measurements and calculations used for 3D modeling and the possibility to view the existing models without special equipment.

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